Globally at your Service

Reviewing Layouts and Calculations

System’s design, layouts and calculations issued for approval pass through rigorous filters and checklists by the RES team before installation and execution process. Design validation will be performed to remove any error in the design and calculation part to increase efficiency of the system.

Detailed review of system design and calculations

Multi level filters and checklist for design documents

Remove any error in design and calculation efficient system

Vendor Documents Coordination

Communication support for multiple vendors. Vendor selection based on the tender conditions or end to end personalized requirements. Understanding of the datasheet and general arrangement drawing. Support for modification at vendor side whenever it is required.

Reviewing vendor’s product datasheet and general arrangement drawings

Vendor selection based on requirements

Support for vendor followup and required modifications

Reviewing General Technical Parameters (GTPs)

Reviewing and commenting on the general technical parameters provided by the vendor. Adjusting and normalizing parameters for a case to case basis and client specific requirements. Deep understanding of and approval for general technical parameters and interconnection details.

Comments and detailed review of GTPs

Adjustment and normalize technical parameter

Approve GTPs and interconnection details


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